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Monday, March 18, 2013
Vitamin D replacement improves muscle efficiency
Mar. 18, 2013 ? New research shows for the first time a link between vitamin D levels and muscle efficiency. Vitamin D supplementation may also be effective in improving skeletal muscle function. This study is presented today at the Society for Endocrinology annual conference in Harrogate, UK. The findings may explain the physical fatigue commonly experienced by patients with vitamin D deficiency, with broad implications for a large section of society.
Vitamin D is a hormone produced in the skin using energy from sunlight, and to a lesser extent derived from dietary sources. Vitamin D deficiency is a significant public health problem as diagnosed cases are on the rise and the hormone is essential for good bone health. Alongside poor bone health, muscle fatigue is a common symptom in vitamin D deficient patients. This fatigue could be due to a problem in the mitochondria: the 'power stations' within each cell of the body. Mitochondria use glucose and oxygen to make energy in a form that can be used to run the cell (an energy-rich molecule called ATP). Muscle cells need large amounts of ATP for movement and they use phosphocreatine as a ready and available energy source to make ATP. The mitochondria also replenish this phosphocreatine store after muscle contraction. Measurement of the time taken to replenish the phosphocreatine store is a measure of mitochondrial efficiency: better mitochondrial function is associated with shorter phosphocreatine recovery times.
Researchers from Newcastle University, led by Dr Akash Sinha who also works within the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, investigated phosphocreatine recovery times in patients with vitamin D deficiency. They employed a non-invasive magnetic resonance scan to measure phosphocreatine dynamics in response to exercise in the calf muscles of 12 patients with severe vitamin D deficiency before and after treatment with vitamin D. This is the first time a study of this kind has been conducted.
The team found that phosphocreatine recovery significantly improved after the patients took a fixed dose of oral vitamin D for 10-12 weeks (average phosphocreatine recovery half time decreased from 34.4sec to 27.8sec, p<0.001). All patients reported an improvement in symptoms of fatigue following supplementation. In a parallel study, the group demonstrated that low Vitamin D levels were associated with reduced mitochondrial function (r=-0.41, p=0.009).
The research shows for the first time that vitamin D levels are correlated with muscle efficiency, and that muscle aerobic metabolism improves with Vitamin D supplementation. Whilst this is a small study, it establishes clear proof of principle and (for the first time) a link between vitamin D and mitochondria in man. The mechanisms underpinning this effect are an avenue for future research by the group, who also aim to establish whether vitamin D supplementation could alleviate frailty in the elderly or improve the exercise capacity of athletes.
Study leader Dr Akash Sinha, Clinical Research Fellow at Newcastle University and Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: "This is the first time a link has been shown between vitamin D status and muscle aerobic function. To do so we used a non-invasive scan to get a unique biochemical perspective on muscle mitochondrial metabolism during exercise: a window into what is really going on in the muscle as it works
"Patients with vitamin D deficiency often experience symptoms of muscle fatigue. Our findings in a small group of patients with very low vitamin D levels show that muscle efficiency significantly improves when vitamin D status is improved.''
"We'll need further research in more patients to work out how this is happening and whether non-deficient patients can benefit from this too."
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Society for Endocrinology.
Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.
Journal Reference:
- Akash Sinha, Kieren Hollingsworth, Steve Ball, Tim Cheetham. Improving the vitamin D status of vitamin D deficient adults is associated with improved mitochondrial oxidative function in skeletal muscle. Endocrine Abstracts, 2013; : 1 DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.31.OC1.6
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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.
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Sunday, March 17, 2013
13-page suicide note left by mother who jumped with baby
13-page suicide note tells of a mother who thought she was 'evil.'? She wrote the 13-page note then jumped from her 8th floor condo with her 10-month old baby. The baby survived. An Ohio hospital looks at suicide notes to prevent more suicides.
By David Clark Scott,?Staff writer / March 16, 2013
Cynthia Wachenheim was depressed. She was taking anti-depressant medication. She thought she was a bad mother because her baby boy, 10-month old Keston, had taken two falls.
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She was convinced that she had permanently injured her baby, but doctors who examined him disagreed.
In a 13-page suicide note, according a police source quoted by the New York Daily News, she refers to postpartum depression. ?She thinks she?s a failing mother. On the last page, she refers to postpartum depression. She was supposed to see a therapist, but she blew him off."
In the suicide note, Mrs. Wachenheim explains to her husband that she knows that by taking her own life and her child's life, by jumping out the window of their 8th floor condo, she will be seen as "evil."
Wachenheim, a legal researcher on child-care leave from her $122,000 a year job at the Manhattan State Supreme Court system, died March 13 in the fall. But her body cushioned the fall for Keston. He survived with only a bruise on his cheek.
The New York Times writes that "Ms. Wachenheim?s leap was a jarring twist in the life of a highly educated, socially conscious woman who had been active in a women?s group in her synagogue, B?nai Jeshurun on the Upper West Side, and, according to her college class notes, had been a coordinator for a Harlem tutoring program."
Her sad demise also raises real questions about awareness of postpartum depression and suicide.
The New York State Health Department says that while as many as 20 percent of new mothers may suffer from postpartum depression, it's rare for new moms? - perhaps 1 or 2 for every 1,000 - to be diagnosed with "postpartum psychosis," which may cause suicidal or homicidal thoughts. The NYHD says that the disorder has a 5 percent suicide rate and a 4 percent infanticide rate.
"If the condition is interfering in any way with the woman's ability to do what she needs to do, it might be serious. Do not be afraid to ask if the woman has had suicidal ideation or is obsessed with thoughts of harming herself or her baby. A gentle way to ask this is "some women have thoughts of harming themselves or their baby. Does this happen to you?"
Recognizing suicidal thoughts is one of the primary goals of research into suicide notes being conducted by an Ohio hospital.
The Cincinnati Children?s Hospital Medical Center has collected more than 1,300 suicide notes.
John Pestian, the hospital's director of computational medicine, is working with a team using computer algorithms to analyze the language in each note, look for key phrases and patterns, in order to create a tool that can help mental health workers recognize those considering suicide and prevent it, according to
In a recent clinical trial at Children?s, Pestian?s team tested the algorithm by asking a series of questions to 30 young people with suicidal tendencies and 30 in a control group. ?We wanted to know if the computer could tell, by listening to recordings of what they said, which ones are suicidal, and which ones aren?t,? Pestian said.
The computer was 93 percent accurate ? identifying those with suicidal tendencies over the control group ? while humans were right slightly more than 50 percent of the time with the same groups.
While the tragic case of Cynthia Wachenheim points up the need for more research and greater awareness, there are many other statistics that also highlight the scope of the problem.
Every 14 minutes in the United States, someone dies by suicide.
"Despite several years of trying to prevent a rise in the number of military suicides, the Pentagon reported last week that, for the first time in a generation, more active-duty soldiers killed themselves last year than were killed in a war zone," according to The Christian Science Monitor on Feb. 5, 2013. "The Army also saw a record in the number of confirmed or suspected suicides ? 349 ? among both active and nonactive military personnel. This was a 16 percent increase over 2011 despite the end of a US role in Iraq and a decline of troops in Afghanistan."
And during the US recession from 2008 to 2010, the U.S. suicide rate rose four times faster than in the eight years before the economic downturn, according to a study in the British medical journal the Lancet.
Not too surprisingly, John Pestian, the Ohio researcher, says "loss of hope" is the common denominator in suicide notes. The next step in his research is a larger scale experiment. Then, creation of a computer program that can be used in clinical settings, which is about two years away, he says.
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Saturday, March 16, 2013
A youthful 'star wreck': Youngest-known supernova remnants in our Milky Way galaxy
Mar. 15, 2013 ? While performing an extensive X-ray survey of our galaxy's central regions, NASA's Swift satellite has uncovered the previously unknown remains of a shattered star. Designated G306.3-0.9 after the coordinates of its sky position, the new object ranks among the youngest-known supernova remnants in our Milky Way galaxy.
"Astronomers have previously cataloged more than 300 supernova remnants in the galaxy," said lead scientist Mark Reynolds, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. "Our analysis indicates that G306.3-0.9 is likely less than 2,500 years old, making it one of the 20 youngest remnants identified."
Astronomers estimate that a supernova explosion occurs once or twice a century in the Milky Way. The expanding blast wave and hot stellar debris slowly dissipate over hundreds of thousands of years, eventually mixing with and becoming indistinguishable from interstellar gas.
Like fresh evidence at a crime scene, young supernova remnants give astronomers the best opportunity for understanding the nature of the original star and the details of its demise.
Supernova remnants emit energy across the electromagnetic spectrum, from radio to gamma rays, and important clues can be found in each energy band. X-ray observations figure prominently in revealing the motion of the expanding debris, its chemical content, and its interaction with the interstellar environment, but supernova remnants fade out in X-ray light after 10,000 years. Indeed, only half of those known in the Milky Way galaxy have been detected in X-rays at all.
Reynolds leads the Swift Galactic Plane Survey, a project to image a two-degree-wide strip along the Milky Way's central plane at X-ray and ultraviolet energies at the same time. Imaging began in 2011 and is expected to complete this summer.
"The Swift survey leverages infrared imaging previously compiled by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and extends it into higher energies," said team member Michael Siegel, a research associate at the Swift Mission Operations Center (MOC) in State College, Pa., which is operated by Penn State University. "The infrared and X-ray surveys complement each other because light at these energies penetrates dust clouds in the galactic plane, while the ultraviolet is largely extinguished."
On Feb. 22, 2011, Swift imaged a survey field near the southern border of the constellation Centaurus. Although nothing unusual appeared in the ultraviolet exposure, the X-ray image revealed an extended, semi-circular source reminiscent of a supernova remnant. A search of archival data revealed counterparts in Spitzer infrared imagery and in radio data from the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope in Australia.
To further investigate the object, the team followed up with an 83-minute exposure using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and additional radio observations from the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), located near the town of Narrabri in New South Wales.
"The fantastic sensitivity of ATCA has enabled us to image what, at radio wavelengths, turns out to be the dimmest remnant we have ever seen in our galaxy," said team member Cleo Loi, an undergraduate student at the University of Sydney who led the analysis of the radio observations.
A paper describing the team's findings will appear in an upcoming edition of The Astrophysical Journal and was published online on Friday.
Using an estimated distance of 26,000 light-years for G306.3-0.9, the scientists determined that the explosion's shock wave is racing through space at about 1.5 million mph (2.4 million km/h). The Chandra observations reveal the presence of iron, neon, silicon and sulfur at temperatures exceeding 50 million degrees F (28 million C), a reminder not only of the energies involved but of the role supernovae play in seeding the galaxy with heavy elements produced in the hearts of massive stars.
"We don't yet have enough information to determine what type of supernova this was and therefore what type of star exploded, but we've planned a further Chandra observation to improve the picture," said coauthor Jamie Kennea, also a researcher at the Swift MOC. "We see no compelling evidence that the explosion formed a neutron star, and this is something we hope can be determined one way or the other by future work."
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.
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Samsung's Galaxy S 4 gets torn asunder, reveals its innards
Now that we've officially seen the Galaxy S 4 unveiled in a Broadway-like production, why not take a look inside it? Chinese outlet IT168, which gave us a peek at the flagship earlier today, couldn't resist tearing one open just before the handset's official reveal. What went under the screwdriver in this instance was a 3G-only China Unicom version of the GS4 packing dual SIM slots and the expected Exynos 5 Octa CPU, 2GB of RAM, 13 megapixel camera and 2,600mAH battery. Hit the neighboring source link for the entire set of glamour shots of the disassembled smartphone.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, Samsung
Via: M.I.C. Gadget
Source: IT168
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Church urges 6-week break from social media

Rosa Golijan TODAY
11 hours ago

Rosa Golijan / NBC News
With that annual period of self-denial leading up to Easter, many try to decide what to surrender. The Russian Orthodox Church ? which observes Easter about a month after Catholic and Protestant churches do this year ? has a suggestion: Give up Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and all the social networks which offer a barrage of information each and every second.
"I don't mean just people who use depraved, entertaining, stupid and empty information," church spokesman Vsevolod Chaplin explained to the Guardian. "Even useful information, that relates to our work and well-meaning interests, clogs the brain and soul too much."
Instead of using social media, Chaplin explains, you should give yourself "several hours or 15 minutes of time during Lent to not read curses on social networks, but serious texts, serious art, prayer, unhurried conversation with close ones."
"This is a unique chance to change your life," Chaplin adds.
This isn't the only opportunity we've been given for a spiritual reboot of our tech-obsessed lives of late. In early March, some celebrated the fourth annual National Day of Unplugging, a holiday dreamed up by the artists behind Sabbath Manifesto, a creative project revolving around the search for "a modern way to observe a weekly day of rest."
The holiday lasted from sundown on the first Friday in March until sundown on the following day. It came with a list of principles borrowing from the biblical Sabbath tradition to encourage folks to recharge their metaphorical batteries.
Considering that there are studies suggesting that Facebook can leave us feeling miserable and that various other uses of technology can increase stress ? constantly looking at your email might be making you antsy ? it's no surprise that there are so many movements are urging us to take a break from social media and tech in general.
The only problem is that some of us are far too attached to our gadgets.
"I can't remember the last time I turned my phone off in a situation not involving a software update or a flight," I mused in a Google+ post on Friday afternoon.
"These things have an 'off' switch?" someone replied.
Want more tech news or interesting links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her onTwitter, subscribing to her Facebook posts, or circling her on Google+.
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Eel mystery deepens as sharks chow down

Populations of the American eel have massively declined in recent years.
By Douglas Main
Nobody knows exactly how American eels make it to the Sargasso Sea, a mysterious expanse of flotsam-ridden waters in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean where the animals breed.
But a recent study to chart the migration of these enigmatic eels only deepened the mystery, when six of the eight eels tracked with satellite tags were eaten by sharks.
Soon after the eels were tagged in Gulf of St. Lawrence, all eight devices were found floating on the surface of the water suggesting the animals had met an untimely end. The tags, which record depth and temperature, revealed that before surfacing the devices had suddenly entered an environment much warmer than the gulf's frigid waters.
Further analysis found that these conditions could be encountered only one way: inside the body of a porbeagle shark, according to a release from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, where some of the study authors work.
The study, detailed in the online journal PLOS ONE, suggests that efforts to conserve eels, whose populations have massively declined in recent decades, could be confounded by predation by porbeagle sharks. These sharks were one of the species that were themselves voted to be protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) earlier this week. ?
"Both species are in trouble, and measures to conserve one may well be at odds with efforts to protect the other," said Julian Dodson, a researcher a Laval University in Quebec City and study author, in the statement. "What we really need now are studies to quantify just how important eels are in the diets of sharks and just what impact shark predation has on eel abundance."
Eels breed in the Sargasso Sea but return to freshwater streams as adults, making them vulnerable to pollution, urban development and the construction of dams.
"We could hope that there will be increased pressure to protect eels in fresh water, particularly during downstream migration through power dams," said study author M?lanie Beguer-Pon, also a Laval researcher, in the statement. "We can't do anything about shark predation, but we can limit mortality in turbines."
An additional 113 adult eelswere fitted with simpler acoustic tags, which can be detected by receivers moored in the ocean. The study found that only four of these eels made it out of the Gulf of St. Lawrence into the Atlantic Ocean, according to the release. Many of these eels were also likely eaten by porbeagle sharks, the statement said.
Email Douglas Main or follow him @Douglas_Main. Follow us?@OAPlanet, Facebook?or ?Google+. Original article on LiveScience's OurAmazingPlanet.
Copyright 2013 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Monday, March 11, 2013
Paul Krugman Bankruptcy Story False, Spreads - Business Insider
A satirical item published last week purporting that economist Paul Krugman had filed for bankruptcy has spread to and the conservative website Breitbart this morning.?
The item originated in The Daily Currant, a satirical news site.?Austria's Format online magazine?picked it up, and their report was subsequently cited?by Then it spread to Breitbart.
It has since been taken down this morning, but here's a screenshot:
![]() |
Krugman responded to the mix-up this morning, writing on his blog that he knew of the fake news item and was asked about it by a Russian television station. He wrote that he did not address it on his blog because he "wanted to wait and see which right-wing media outlets would fall for the hoax."
"Now, if you?ll excuse me, I have to go give a lavishly paid speech to Friends of Hamas," Krugman quipped, referring to Breitbart's recent invention of a group purportedly tied to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel that ended up not actually existing.'s?version was taken down early this afternoon. It appeared to originate from The Prudent Investor blog, which sourced Austria's format magazine.?Here's a screenshot of what's piece looked like:
The Daily Currant is the same site?the Washington Post cited in a false report?last month that former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin was joining Al Jazeera.
(HT: @lachlan)
This post has been updated.
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Helicopter crash in Afghanistan kills five: NATO
KABUL (Reuters) - A helicopter crash in southern Afghanistan killed five members of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force, NATO said on Tuesday, although there were no immediate details about the cause of the crash.
A brief ISAF statement said the crash occurred on Monday.
"The cause of the crash is under investigation, however initial reporting indicates there was no enemy activity in the area at the time of the incident," the NATO statement said.
It also did not give any details about the nationality of the troops killed, although U.S. and British forces make up the bulk of the NATO-led contingent in Afghanistan's south. Australian troops also still operate in the south.
The crash came on the same day that two U.S. troops and five Afghan police and soldiers were killed in a so-called insider attack by a person in an Afghan military uniform in the restive east of the country.
New Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel left Afghanistan earlier on Monday after a difficult first trip to Kabul.
His trip was marred by a suicide bomb attack near where he was holding a meeting, and differences with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who accused the United States of colluding with the Taliban.
Helicopter crashes are not uncommon in Afghanistan and the Taliban and others often claim to have shot them down, although such claims by insurgents are often exaggerated.
Last August, 11 people, including seven U.S. soldiers, were killed when a Black Hawk helicopter crashed in southern Afghanistan.
The worst such incident was in August 2011, when the Taliban shot down a CH-47 Chinook transport helicopter, killing all 38 people on board, including 25 U.S. special operations troops.
(Reporting by Paul Tait; Editing by Michael Perry)
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Sunday, March 10, 2013
Aswan Tour From Abu Simbel
Tour Type:Private Tour
Tour Length:12 Hours
City Tour:Aswan, Egypt
Pick up Point:Hotel or Cruise in Abu Simbel
Drop off Point:Hotel or Cruise in Abu Simbel
Tour Itinerary : -
Breakfast at your hotel or cruise in Abu Simbel, pick you up by private air-conditioned vehicle to drive from Abu Simbel to Aswan for 3 hours driving, followed by an exciting tour in Aswan to the famous High Dam, that was an engineering miracle when it was built in the 1960s. It contains 18 times the material used in the Great Pyramid of Cheops; continue Aswan trip to the granite quarries which supplied the ancient Egyptians with most of the hard stone used in pyramids and temples. The quarries still hold the famous Unfinished Obelisk and then you will be taking by motor-boat to island of Agilika visit the majestic Philae temple, that was dedicated to the Goddesses Isis. For our enjoyment, a Felucca Ride is included on the Nile River in Aswan at the afternoon. Then return from Aswan to the hotel or cruise in Abu Simbel or you will be transferred to Aswan airport - train station it depends upon your tour plan.
Tour Includes : -
- Meet and greet services by our travel REP in Abu Simbel
- All transfers by private air-conditioned vehicles in Abu Simbel and Aswan
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- All admission fees to sightseeing in Aswan as per tour itinerary
- 1 Mineral water and soft drink during Aswan trip
- Professional English speaking Egyptologist tour guide in Aswan
- Lunch during Aswan tour at local restaurant in Aswan
Tour Excludes : -
- Optional tours in Aswan and Abu Simbel
- Personal expenses in Aswan
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PFT: Browns talked to agents of Ellerbe, Kruger

Vikings receiver Percy Harvin reportedly wants out of Minnesota.? He also reportedly wants to be paid like Lions receiver Calvin Johnson.
But Harvin is overlooking one important reality.? He?ll have to find a team that wants him, and a team that will pay him what he wants.
As one NFL front-office source explains it, Harvin and his agent forget that a large portion of the league had him off of their draft boards in 2009, due to his reputation for being a pain in the posterior.
In Minnesota, the Vikings have done a nice job of keeping Harvin from being too much of a problem, at least publicly.? Under former coach Brad Childress, then-defensive coordinator Leslie Frazier often was the peacekeeper.? Now that Harvin and Frazier reportedly had a ?heated exchange? that preceded Harvin?s placement on injured reserve, Harvin may be out of allies in Minnesota.
That doesn?t mean he?ll have friends elsewhere.? Especially if he gets the kind of money he wants.? If/when (if) he cashes in, Harvin will be largely untouchable, free to do what he wants, how he wants, when he wants.
Even though there are plenty of desperate coaches and General Managers in the NFL, there?s a difference between desperation and stupidity.? For Harvin, the key word could be delusion.
If there?s no team who will both trade for him and pay him, he?ll continue to be the property of the Vikings.? And the manner in which he handles himself during the final year of his contract will go a long way toward shaping the extent to which other teams will, or won?t, be interested in him once he hits the open market.
And if he decides to hold out, the Vikings can fine him hundreds of thousands of dollars and, if he doesn?t show up by Week 10, squat on his rights through 2014.
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Saturday, March 9, 2013
Silvio Berlusconi remains hospitalized in Italy
Silvio Berlusconi remains hospitalized in Italy
Doctor Francesco Bandello speaks during a news conference at the San Raffaele hospital, in Milan, Italy, Saturday, March 9, 2013. Former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi was being treated in a Milan hospital for eye inflammation that prevented him from attending his sex-for-hire trial. Berlusconi's personal physician, Dr. Alberto Zangrillo, said Berlusconi had bilateral uveitis, an inflammation of the eyes that he described as painful. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
Doctor Francesco Bandello speaks during a news conference at the San Raffaele hospital, in Milan, Italy, Saturday, March 9, 2013. Former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi was being treated in a Milan hospital for eye inflammation that prevented him from attending his sex-for-hire trial. Berlusconi's personal physician, Dr. Alberto Zangrillo, said Berlusconi had bilateral uveitis, an inflammation of the eyes that he described as painful. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
A PDL party supporter stands at the San Raffaele hospital, in Milan, Italy, Saturday, March 9, 2013. Former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi was being treated in a Milan hospital for eye inflammation that prevented him from attending his sex-for-hire trial. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
The car of former Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi is parked at the San Raffaele hospital, in Milan, Italy, Saturday, March 9, 2013. Former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi was being treated in a Milan hospital for eye inflammation that prevented him from attending his sex-for-hire trial. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
The car of former Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi is parked at the San Raffaele hospital, in Milan, Italy, Friday, March 8, 2013. Silvio Berlusconi was being treated Friday in a Milan hospital for eye inflammation that prevented him from attending his sex-for-hire trial. Berlusconi was suffering from bilateral unveitis, an inflammation of the eyes, and could be kept in the hospital overnight, said Dr. Alberto Zangrillo, Berlusconi's personal physician. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
PDL party supporters stand at the San Raffaele hospital, in Milan, Italy, Saturday, March 9, 2013. Former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi was being treated in a Milan hospital for eye inflammation that prevented him from attending his sex-for-hire trial. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
MILAN (AP) ? Former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi remains hospitalized with an eye inflammation that kept him from both his sex-for-hire trial and tax fraud appeals.
San Raffaele hospital's chief ophthalmologist, Francesco Bandello, said Saturday that Berlusconi's condition had only moderately improved overnight. The 76-year-old Berlusconi has bilateral uveitis and was expected to remain hospitalized at least until Sunday.
Berlusconi's legal team has submitted petitions to courts in both cases requesting hearings be delayed because of the medical condition. Judges granted the petition in the sensational sex-for-hire case Friday.
The court in the tax fraud appeal dispatched a court-appointed physician Saturday to verify the condition.
Verdicts in both trials are due in the coming weeks, a politically sensitive time as Italy seeks to negotiate a stable government following inconclusive elections.
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Enduring storm surprises New England with big snow
A house on the Plum Island seacoast in Newbury, Mass., sits partially collapsed into the churning surf, driven by winds from a slow-moving storm centered far out in the Atlantic Ocean, at high tide Friday morning, March 8, 2013. The storm dropped up to a foot of snow in some parts of New England, caused coastal flooding in Massachusetts and slowed the morning commute in the region to a slushy crawl. (AP Photo/Newburyport Daily News, Jim Vaiknoras)
A house on the Plum Island seacoast in Newbury, Mass., sits partially collapsed into the churning surf, driven by winds from a slow-moving storm centered far out in the Atlantic Ocean, at high tide Friday morning, March 8, 2013. The storm dropped up to a foot of snow in some parts of New England, caused coastal flooding in Massachusetts and slowed the morning commute in the region to a slushy crawl. (AP Photo/Newburyport Daily News, Jim Vaiknoras)
A woman makes her way across the bus station in downtown New Bedford, Mass., as heavy snow falls Friday, March 8, 2013. The storm dropped up to a foot of snow in some parts of New England, caused coastal flooding in Massachusetts. (AP Photo/The Standard-Times, Peter Periera)
A Subaru Outback is rolled over on Rt 20 in Charlton, near the Sturbridge line, blocking part of the westbound lane Friday, March 8, 2013. The National Weather Service reported that central Massachusetts, areas southwest of Boston and Middlesex County are getting the most snow from a slow-moving storm that hit Massachusetts harder than expected. (AP Photo/Worcester Telegram & Gazette, Dan Gould)
People shield themselves from driving snow in Foley Square during a storm on Friday, March. 8 2013, in New York. A very wet snow is causing slippery road conditions in the metropolitan area and several inches have fallen on eastern Long Island and Westchester, Rockland and Putnam counties.(AP Photo/Peter Morgan)
People walk through driving snow near courthouses in lower Manhattan during a storm on Friday, March. 8 2013, in New York. A very wet snow is causing slippery road conditions in the metropolitan area and several inches have fallen on eastern Long Island and Westchester, Rockland and Putnam counties.(AP Photo/Peter Morgan)
WHITMAN, Mass. (AP) ? The late-winter storm that buried parts of the country was forecast to be little more than a nuisance for most of New England. Try telling that to Connecticut and Massachusetts residents who spent two days shoveling as much as 2 feet snow.
"The forecast was 4 to 6 inches and I think I'm looking at about 12 to 14 inches," West Roxbury resident Mark Spillane said as snow continued to fall Friday. "I did not expect to have to bring out the snow blower."
The storm was centered far out in the Atlantic Ocean, and by the time it reached New England, forecasters were focused on the potential for coastal flooding and not snow, which in many places was predicted to reach a maximum of 6 or 8 inches.
The coastline was battered by three high tides during the duration of the storm, the worst Friday morning, when some roads in coastal towns were flooded with up to 3 feet of water. A vacant house on Plum Island, off the northeast coast of Massachusetts, was ripped from its foundation and collapsed into the sea. Other homes there were badly damaged.
But in most places, it was the persistent snow that threw people for a loop.
The National Weather Service reported nearly 13 inches of snow at Boston's Logan International Airport as of 1 p.m., with more than 2 feet in a few Massachusetts towns and nearly that much in many others. Some parts of Connecticut and New Hampshire also saw more than a foot.
With spring less than two weeks away, Lisa Parisella, of Beverly, Mass., had been ready to dig out her sandals. Instead, she found herself donning her winter boots for a trip to the grocery store to make sure she had enough food for her kids, whose classes were canceled Friday.
"This was unexpected," said Parisella, 47, an office manager. Forecasts had called for between 1 and 8 inches. Instead, her town had well over a foot by noon, and snow continued to fall. "I was ready to start decorating for spring. I was thinking, March, ready to take out the sandals, and I'm taking out the boots again."
Tim Wicker, a self-employed 32-year-old resident of Norwich, Conn., said the latest storm wasn't too bad, but he was also longing for spring.
"The other day I was out in a T-shirt," Wicker said. "Now we're dealing with this again. It's going to be 54 on Sunday. It's just New England."
Charley Foley, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Taunton, said the higher snowfalls were caused by winds swirling around the storm that subtly changed course from the northeast to a more northerly direction. That allowed the storm to tap colder air from Canada, pick up moisture from the warmer ocean and dump snow on New England.
"We did get somewhat surprised by higher snow amounts," Foley said.
The storm had been giving forecasters fits for days. After pummeling the Midwest earlier in the week, it dumped nearly two feet of snow in some part of the mid-Atlantic but largely spared the nation's capital, despite warnings that as much as 10 inches could fall on Washington.
Some school districts, including Boston, were criticized for holding classes Friday despite icy sidewalks and poorly plowed roads.
Boston public schools spokesman Lee McGuire said schools were kept open because the weather forecast was so fluid. Thursday night's forecast called for just a few inches of snow.
"We made the best decision we could with the information we had at the time," McGuire said.
The district said students whose parents kept them home Friday would be considered "constructively present" and their absences would be excused.
Boston resident Vera Miller was angry about the decision. She kept her grandchildren home after taking a look outside Friday morning.
"I said, 'Oh no, you kids are staying home today,'" Miller said. "I just felt that school should have been canceled."
The snow made for a slippery Friday morning commute as far south as Pennsylvania and New York.
In Scituate, Mass., a shoreline town about 20 miles south of Boston, police Chief Brian Stewart breathed a sigh of relief Friday morning after high tide. The town got some coastal flooding ? it almost always does during major storms ? and eight roads were closed under 2 to 3 feet of water.
"It's coming over the usual spots," he said. "I would say we were fortunate because at this point we have no reports of injuries or major damage."
In Whitman, which had nearly a foot of snow by 10 a.m., Maureen Chittick's house was among those that lost electricity for a while. Grandchildren Nicole Clark, 15, and Gary Clark, 13, came inside for an old-fashioned game with marbles after shoveling the snow out of her driveway.
"I was shoveling and I saw purple flowers underneath," Nicole Clark said. "I thought to myself, 'Summer is never going to come.' I just want summer. Bring on the hot, the beach!"
Jay Lindsay in Beverly, Mass.; Bridget Murphy in Boston; Rodrique Ngowi in West Roxbury, Mass.; and John Christoffersen in New Haven, Conn., contributed to this report.
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Friday, March 8, 2013
Demand for Silver Coins Jumps 148%; Investors Start Pouring In
Thursday, March 7th, 2013
By Michael Lombardi, MBA for Profit Confidential
As central banks around the world are now net buyers of gold bullion, I?m getting more bullish on silver. (Don?t get me wrong. I love gold, and I am a big believer of gold prices moving higher.) But gold bullion may have become too expensive for small investors to own?and silver could just be that low-priced alternative for investors to protect themselves from coming inflation.
At present, both gold bullion and silver alike are experiencing significant negative sentiment. In the midst of all this and severe pressure from the bears, the demand for silver hasn?t declined; as a matter of fact, the demand for silver is increasing and robust to say the least.
In February 2013, the U.S. Mint reported that it sold almost 3.7 million ounces of silver in coins. In the same period of 2012, it sold 1.49 million ounces of silver. Simple calculation would show that?s an increase of more than 148% in demand for silver coins in one year! (Source: U.S. Mint, last accessed March 5, 2013.)
Looking at the long-term chart of silver below, we see it is still in a bull market:
Chart courtesy of
Technical analysis of the chart above would indicate a significant amount of support available for silver prices at the $28.00-an-ounce level. This level has been tested multiple times, with silver prices bouncing higher on heavy volume each time $28.00 an ounce was hit.
With central banks around the world printing paper money and working overtime to devalue their currencies, even if they stop now, the damage to fiat currency (and the inflation issues we will have to deal with in the future because of too much paper money in circulation) has been done.
Just look at the value of the U.S. dollar. What you could buy in 1913 for $1.00 would now cost you $23.26. This means that one century later, we are paying 2,300% more for what we paid for an item in 1913. (Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics web site, last accessed March 5, 2013.) Now, with all the new money created in the past five years, just imagine how inflation will play out over the next century. A 2,300% increase could easily turn into a 23,000% increase!
While the bears continue to put pressure on the price of both gold bullion and silver, I believe the prices of both metals are poised to rise as the ?cloud of optimism? currently surrounding the market dissipates.
Michael?s Personal Notes
As key stock indices continue to march towards new highs, there?s a wave of trouble brewing among big-cap companies regarding their pension deficits. While the mainstream focuses on a stock market propped up by low interest rates and money printing, few are talking about the big threat to corporate America known as the ?pension deficit problem.?
According to Mercer, a pension consultant company, at the end of 2012, pension funds of S&P 500 companies had assets of $1.59 trillion and liabilities of $2.14 trillion?a pension deficit of more than $550 billion. (Source: Mercer, February 5, 2013.)
Some big-cap companies are showing concern and doing something about their pension deficit problems. For example, Ford Motor Company (NYSE/F) expects to spend $5.0 billion in 2013 to decrease its pension deficit?about the same amount Ford spent in 2012 on building plants, buying equipment, and developing new cars. (Source: ?Low Rates Force Companies to Pour Cash Into Pensions,? Wall Street Journal February 3, 2013.)
Even with all the measures taken to control its pension deficit, Ford?s pension deficit increased to $18.7 billion at the end of 2012. Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Bob Shanks said, ?It has got to be a problem for any large company that has a defined benefit plan.? (Source: Ibid.)
The Dow Chemical Company (NYSE/DOW), one of the big-cap companies on key stock indices, posted a loss of $716 million in the fourth quarter of 2012. The company?s CEO, Andrew Liveris, said the company is facing a ?massive pension headwind? due to the change in the discount rate. The company expects that pension costs will go up to $250 million and $300 million this year. (Source: Ibid.)
Unfortunately, these are not the only big-cap companies suffering from pension deficit problems. Other companies like The Boeing Company (NYSE/BA) are deep underwater as well. In 2012, the company poured $1.6 billion into its pension funds. This year, it expects to spend another $1.5 billion. The company?s pension fund has a deficit of 26%.
Boeing?s misery has caused the company to release ?core earnings,? which take out pension expenses from the earnings numbers. Boeing CFO, Greg Smith, said, ?The continued decline in the pension discount rates, driven by the unprecedented low interest rate environment, has caused significant non-cash increase in our pension expense.? (Source: Ibid.)
While on one hand, the low interest rates and paper money printing caused the stock market to rise, on the other hand, it is causing big-cap companies big problems with their pension deficits. Keep in mind that a pension is an expense to a company. The longer interest rates stay low, the worse off pension funds of big-cap companies are going to be.
Where the Market Stands; Where it?s Headed:
After five years and trillions of dollars of newly created money, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a new high this week. The stock market has taken on a life of its own. As the economy deteriorates, the stock market rises. The very companies that are part of major stock indices like the S&P 500 will experience negative earnings growth this quarter?the second quarter this has happened in three quarters?and the market continues to rise. I continue to believe this rally is living on borrowed time.
What He Said:
?As for the stock market, it continues along its merry way oblivious to what is happening to homebuyers? wealth. (Since 2005 I have been writing about how the real estate bust would be bigger than the boom.) In 1927, the real estate market crashed and the stock market, even back then, carried along its merry way for two more years until it eventually crashed. History has a way of repeating itself.? Michael Lombardi in Profit Confidential, November 21, 2007. A dire prediction that came true.
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Hugo Chavez to be embalmed for public viewing
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela's Hugo Chavez will be embalmed and put on display "for eternity" at a military museum after a state funeral and an extended period of lying in state, acting President Nicolas Maduro said on Thursday.
Huge crowds are still waiting to pay their respects to Chavez after his death this week, and Maduro said the move - reminiscent of the treatment of Communist leaders Lenin, Stalin and Mao after their deaths - would help keep the late president's self-declared socialist revolution alive.
"It has been decided that the body of the comandante will be embalmed so that it remains eternally on view for the people at the museum," Maduro told state TV.
Chavez, a former paratrooper, died on Tuesday aged 58 after a two-year battle with cancer. He was president for 14 years and is now lying in state at a military academy where the government says more than 2 million supporters have viewed it since Wednesday.
Maduro said Chavez's official funeral would go ahead on Friday, attended by about 30 leaders from around the world and that his body would then lie in state for a further seven days.
Huge lines snaked around the academy on Thursday as tens of thousands of Venezuelans shuffled forward to salute, raise clenched fists or make the sign of the cross over Chavez's casket.
From soldiers in fatigues to officers in ceremonial dress, to residents of the slums where Chavez was most loved, those in line vowed to defend his legacy and back Maduro, his preferred heir, in a new election.
"I arrived in the early hours to see Chavez. He is my personal idol," said Henry Acosta, 56.
A sobbing Berta Colmenares, 77, said "Chavistas" must throw their weight behind Maduro to carry on the revolution.
"I will vote for Maduro, who else? He is the one who Chavez chose and we have to follow his wish."
Chavez was dressed in an army uniform and a signature red beret like the one he wore in a 1992 speech to the nation that launched his political career after he led a failed coup.
People were given just a few seconds to glance at his body inside the relatively simple wooden coffin, which has a glass top and was draped in flowers and a Venezuelan flag.
One government source told Reuters that Chavez slipped into a coma on Monday and died the next day of respiratory failure after a rapid deterioration from the weekend, when he had held a five-hour meeting with ministers at his bedside.
The cancer had spread to his lungs, according to the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
There is uncertainty over exactly when a presidential vote will be held in the South American OPEC country, which has the world's largest oil reserves and 29 million residents.
The constitution stipulates a poll must be called within 30 days, but politicians say election authorities may not be ready in time and there is talk of a possible delay. Chavez ruled for 14 years and won four presidential elections.
Maduro, 50, a former union leader who ended his education at high school before plunging into politics, looks certain to face opposition leader Henrique Capriles, 40, the centrist governor of Miranda state who lost to Chavez in last year's election.
Members of the opposition have kept a low profile and offered condolences during the enormous show of support for Chavez, one of Latin America's most popular leaders.
But some expressed relief at the demise of a man they saw as a dictator who trampled on opponents and ruined their economy.
"I wanted his mandate to end. Power made him lose perspective," said Israel Nogales, 43, a university administrator walking in a Caracas park.
"He polarized the country and families like mine. ... He is going to be treated like a martyr and that is wrong."
On Wednesday, opposition sources told Reuters they have again agreed to back Capriles, whose 44-percent vote share in 2012 was the best performance by any candidate against Chavez.
One recent opinion poll gave Maduro a strong lead, and both international markets and foreign diplomats are factoring in a probable win for him and a continuation of "Chavista" policies, at least in the short term.
The tall and hefty Maduro, who lacks Chavez's man-of-the-people charisma, served as his foreign minister for six years before being named vice president in late 2012.
He has pledged to adhere to Chavez's brand of ferociously nationalist politics and controversial economic policies that included regular seizures of private businesses as well as wildly popular social welfare programs.
Some analysts believe Maduro might eventually try to ease tensions with Western investors and the United States. But just hours before Chavez's death, Maduro was accusing "imperialist" enemies of infecting the president with cancer and he expelled two American diplomats for alleged conspiracies.
Maduro is expected to continue bashing Washington, at least until the election. He may have to step down from his role as caretaker president to launch his candidacy and one official source told Reuters that Chavez's son-in-law, Science Minister Jorge Arreaza, might step into that role.
Capriles, an athletic career politician and lawyer from a wealthy family, wants Venezuela to follow Brazil's softer center-left model.
Venezuela's heavily traded global bonds, which gained before Chavez's death, were down for a second straight day on Thursday as investors realized his economic model of government control could persist for years. Yields for the 2027 bond spiked to nearly 9.5 percent as prices continued to fall.
State media have been airing old Chavez speeches and songs over and over in lengthy tributes.
Foreign Minister Elias Jaua urged private Venezuelan media outlets to let "Chavistas" mourn and refrain from provoking opponents to hold rallies against the government.
Authorities blame TV channels aligned with the opposition for helping incite a 2002 coup that briefly toppled Chavez.
At the wake, Venezuelans strained for a glimpse of Chavez, many welling up in tears as they reached his casket.
"I told him 'don't worry, Nicolas Maduro will be the new president as you asked'," said nurse Maria Fernandez, 51, after filing past the coffin.
(Additional reporting by Simon Gardner and Marianna Parraga in Caracas, Rosa Tania Valdes in Havana, Helen Popper in Buenos Aires, Daniel Bases in New York; Editing by Andrew Cawthorne, Kieran Murray and David Brunnstrom)
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Thursday, March 7, 2013
WoPad unveils quad-core iPad Mini clone

A few years ago, Chinese tablet manufacturer Wopad had a range of great value for money 7-inch devices. We haven?t heard much from them in recent times, but it seems they are back and have a quad-core iPad mini clone ready for sale.
This iPad mini clone get?s a 1024 x 768 resolution 8-inch display, front and rear cameras, quad-core A31 based processor, 2GB RAM, 8GB of storage, built-in mini HDMI and a USB! Those are better specs than the real Apple made iPad mini!
Thought the design of the 8-inch tablet looks a lot like the real iPad mini, if you ignore the thicker bezel, the Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean based OS doesn?t get the iOS skin treatment and instead runs as Google intended it.
The vanilla JB install combined with the quad-core CPU and 2GB RAM mean that the Wopad is capable of an impressive 11,899 Antutu benchmark.
The full line of Wopad tablets can be seen here.
[ Source ]
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Florida tourists flocking to 'chicken' church
The Church by the Sea in Tampa Bay is causing a flutter of activity online after several visitors posted their holiday pictures showing the building's distinctive spire.
With two large round windows resembling eyes and a small section of beak-like tiled roof below them, the church has all the hallmarks of an egg-laying fowl.
'It's so funny - we were completely unaware that it had become a hit on the internet,' congregation member Dee Dee Parker told the Daily Mail.
'I'm glad we can make people smile. We see lots of people coming to take pictures of the church.'
More conventional Tampa attractions include the Big Cat Rescue zoo, the Busch Gardens theme park and the Adventure Island water park.
Sports fan can enjoy an NFL game at the Raymond James Stadium, home of the Buccaneers.
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Wednesday, March 6, 2013
PFT: Cowboys franchise Spencer, raising debate

Well, the circle has been complete.
The NFL allowed kicker-who-has-never-kicked Lauren Silberman to pay the $275 fee and show up for a Regional Scouting Combine.? The NFL went all in with the publicity stunt, spending far more time hyping her participation than checking her credentials.
And now that the Silberman?s tryout ended in failure, the NFL is aggressively pounding the nails into her football coffin.
Aditi Kinkhabwala of, who drew the short straw to spend her Sunday afternoon at the Jets? facility watching players far too pedestrian to play even for the team that owns the place, has penned an impressive take down of Silberman.
?What we saw was a sideshow,? she writes.? ?A delusional, haughty, heartbreaking sideshow.?
Yes, it was a sideshow.? A sideshow that the NFL inexplicably embraced, in an apparent effort to lay the foundation for its plan to launch American (Football) Idol, via Regional Scouting Combines that produce folks who get a shot at the Indianapolis edition.
Hopefully with intriguing, marketable, and unique personal stories.
Here?s where it becomes impossible to draw the lines between the NFL and NFL Media.? (And, no, I?m not better than that.)? NFL Media pretends at times to be independent, but as the title of the organization confirms it?s necessarily not.? And when NFL Media produces something that appears on the surface to be independent, it?s fair to wonder whether there?s another agenda.Still, it?s impossible to call out Silberman (which Kinkhabwala does) without calling out the league (which she doesn?t).? Silberman didn?t belong there, and the NFL knew or should have known it.
?[S]he disrespected the 37 other kickers in New Jersey on Sunday who?ve spent lifetimes honing their craft.? Kinhabwala writes.? ?She blithely said her friends saw her kick somewhere in that amorphous time she began kicking and told her, ?You should try out for the NFL.?? Like it?s that easy.?
Apparently, it is.? Because the NFL let Silberman in.? And that?s the subject Kinkhabwala conspicuously omitted from her article.
Or maybe she didn?t.? Maybe she did, and someone else at NFL Media killed it.
And, yes, it?s that easy.
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